liquids on a plane

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"In contrast to previous reports, the official suggested an attack was not imminent, saying the suspects had not yet purchased any airline tickets. In fact, some did not even have passports. [...]
The official shed light on other aspects of the case, saying that while the investigation into the bombing plot began 'months ago,' some suspects were known to the security services even before the London subway bombings last year.
He acknowledged that authorities had conducted electronic and e-mail surveillance as well as physical surveillance of the suspects."
Source: NBC
Ob der angriff imminent war oder net, kann ich nicht sagen, aber:
"A prime candidate for this would be triacetone triperoxide (TATP), the explosive used by the July 7 bombers. Its two raw ingredients are both liquids, which could be carried on board in in containers such as bottles of soft drinks or contact lens solution. A small detonator could be hidden in an i-pod or mobile phone, drawing power from its battery."
"First, it is very easy to initiate such explosives - there is no need for a detonator and a booster, a burning cigarette or a match would be sufficient to set them off. Second, the raw materials needed for their preparation are readily available in unlimited quantities in hardware stores, pharmacies, agricultural supplies, and even supermarkets. Third, quite sadly, most airports are not yet equipped with the appropriate means to detect those explosives. Practically speaking, there is no efficient way to stop a suicide bomber who carries peroxide-base explosives on his body or in his carry-on luggage."
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PS: Trotzdem, coole seite und lustiger Cartoon;-)
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